Community Posts, Tips & Support on Breastfeeding

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Breastfeeding.

Colostrum collecting

Does anyone know what syringes to get off Amazon , my midwife has said I can start collecting but I don’t know what kit to get


Milk coming in

I’m a week PP now and my milk came in day 4, I’m not breastfeeding, haven’t touched them and kept them in a tight bra with regular painkillers and cold cabbage leaves but they’re constantly leaking and so painful. Haven’t had any relief at all. My last baby i only had full breasts for two days but this is day 4 now ...


Too much milk

Every morning I make way too much milk and up until around 3pm baby will get full from just one side and he also sleeps a long stretch at night time ranging from 6-8hours. I’m worried about mastitis or my milk supply dropping, my baby doesn’t take a bottle but wondering if I should pump?


Breast pumps & car seats

Hello, I’m from the UK, just wondering best breast pumps and car seats whilst everything’s in Boxing Day / January sales, willing to spend around £200 each on these! Thank you xx


Almost due

And I still haven’t bought any new underwear or bras. They still fit but are not comfortable now. Can anyone recommend good ones for after birth? I had nursing bras from shein last time but I think I need something with more support better quality


Breast pump

Can anyone recommend a breast pump? Preferably electric?


Do you throw out unfinished whole milk?

I know left over formula needs to be thrown away because of bacterial growth but do I do the same with left over whole milk that’s been warmed up to room temp for feeding as well or can I put it back in the refrigerator?


Milk powder

Heyyyyy, so my LG is 11 months on the 5th of January, is she allowed to have semi skimmed milk powder, I brought a multi pack of porridge for her not realising it had powdered milk in it? Will she be OK xx



How many colostrum syringes do people harvest


Breastfeeding Mamas

Has anyone had their tata literally spray milk. I'm talking literally like a foot in the air!😂😂 I was nursing my baby a few days ago and the one she wasn't on started spraying and then it did it again today what the actual heck is that.



I’m a first time mom exclusively breastfeeding, I wonder is it normal for it to still be painful at 8 weeks? I keep looking at videos and I believe my baby is latching fine. Just would love to hear about your breastfeeding journey’s


Excruciating Breast pain

So I’m about to be 18 weeks pregnant and I still give my 13 month old boob for comfort like a pacifier because he refuses pacifiers (I’m convinced no more milk is coming out and I don’t want to try to express because I’m getting sensitive) but tonight my breasts really, really hurt. Most of the pain is near my nippl...


Feeling Defeated

I feel like such a failure. I so badly have wanted to breastfeed my baby since she was born. She was too smash to latch at first and now refuses to try to latch because she's used to a bottle (she's 3 months old). I also barely produce any milk and have to heavily supplement with forbids to feed her enough. I'm goin...


Did your boobs return back to pre pregnancy size once you finished breastfeeding?

If they didn’t go back to the same size, how much DID they go back down?



I’ve heard drinking beer while breastfeeding helps boost your milk is it true? If so which one should I drink?


Anyone's baby do this?

My LO is 7 weeks old this Friday. During the day they breastfeed for about 20 to 30 mins, every 2.5 to 3 hours. They don't seem to be getting any quicker at feeding. Between the hours of 9 to 12 pm however they just want to feed non-stop. They can be on the boob for 2 hours at a time. If they fall asleep and I put t...


Breastfeeding and pumping

For those of you who breastfeed and pump. What schedule do you follow? Right now I’m exclusively pumping and do it every 4 hours. I want to try to get her to latch for a few sessions too. So how would I do that


What am i doing wrong?

Im exclusively pumping. This was for today after one pumping session. Is it normal fpr there to be such a small fatty layer. Ive been pumping 15-20 minutes one each side. Also my supply has been dropping. Hows the best way to fix this my kiddo is almost 3 month. If i pump every 2-3 hours im only getting 1.5-3 oz per...


Formula mommas

Any new moms moved to formula after trying breast feeding- would love to here your experience- really struggling with breastfeeding and worried about her not eating enough 3 days post partum only getting colostrum and not latching


Silly question

Can I get pregnant even tho I’m breastfeeding ? I’m bit concerned as we did the deed and we didn’t use protection as I thought one time happened can’t be pregnant but now I’m having second thoughts 💭 I don’t have my period yet it’s been 8 months and even if I end up pregnant I wouldn’t even possibly know unless I…


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