Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby.
My MIL has my partners moses basket in the attic the past 32 years. When I was pregnant on my first child two years ago she took in down from the attic for me to use. I persistently refused to use it. The thought of it being in a dusty attic with god knows what crawling around it the past 32 years didn’t sit right w...
Hi all! I have recently purchased a second hand Chicco next to me crib and am on the hunt for a new mattress for it. However, they’re not in stock through Chicco, nor through John Lewis😭 has anyone else purchased a replacement mattress and can recommend the best alternative please? Thank you🤍
Hi, just wondering if anyone has a preference between baby bjorn or ergo baby carriers? We would love to get a carrier but just can’t decide. Thanks so much for help and advice!
Hi all. Hubbie and I were talking this evening and realised we've been really focused on preparing for babies arrival but have zero knowledge on development stages 🫣 Can anyone recommend some books /insta accounts on actually keeping your child alive, development stages please. Thank you!!!
My 8 month old sleeps on her belly with her booty in the air and ALMOST every night she pees out her diaper. At first I thought it was because we needed to up her diaper size so we did that but it was still happening. Next we got the overnighter diapers and she still leaks out of them. We do feed her a bottle right ...
I’ve called 111 and waiting for a call back from doctor. She’s eating/drinking fine, wet nappies and been pretty much happy all day. This doesn’t look right to me though?? She’s been ill for 2 weeks and nothing is shifting her cold. Just keeps getting worse! Any advice would be appreciated because nurofen and calpol...
Are they worth it? Anyone got one or planning on getting one for Christmas?
Hello, anyone who has started weaning.. any advice on a supportive but simple guide or chart to work through some baby led weaning? No idea where to start but don’t want info overload! And also very cautious about the branded content I’m being targeted with from purée companies. As I assume it might be biased tow...
My boy is 6 months tomorrow and I’m still having to rock him and walk up and down the room for 20 mins to get him to sleep for every nap. He is getting really heavy so I’m starting to struggling doing this 3 times a day. I feel like I’ve tried everything to get him to self soothe but he just won’t
My girl is 9 months old and does get on her knees and hands and rocks and slides backwards some but hasn’t even tried to move her legs. She does prayer feet in a criss cross position, but then keeps them that way when she’s trying to get into crawling position so I’m afraid her feet won’t cooperate with her when she...
Hey all, When do dark nipples go away after givng birth and breastfeeding? Curious
My LO has started biting my nipple when feeding. When I since she thinks it’s funny 🙈 I really want to carry on feeding but I can’t take the pain- help!
I’m trying to be prepared for my child to transition to dairy milk from breast milk. I have a great freezer stash, I bought the dr browns straw bottles for now, and my plan was to slowly increase the dairy milk and decrease the breast milk until he will drink straight dairy milk. I’ve heard that once he turns 1, it...
Is anyone else combi feeding? If so How often and how much does everyone’s little one feed? My little girl is 16 weeks and has two formula feeds of 180ml a day and between 5-6 feeds from the boob that can last 10-30mins we seem to have had this feeding routine for a while now and I’m not sure if I need to increase h...
I’m struggling a little bit with clothes for my boy. He’s up there on the percentiles, and is just really long. Despite not being quite 8 months, he’s in some 9-12m but mostly 12-18m clothes already. We’re making do with clothes, mostly because some are bit big on the arms and legs even if they do currently fit rou...
Just wondering if anyone can relate to this. Our baby has never slept well, we'd finally got to 2-3 wakes a night and now we are back to square one, up pretty much every hour. She can take hours to get down in the first place as she will not go down awake. We are lucky to get her to bed before 10 even when she is sh...
What bottles everyone using I am fed up of the tomee tippee ones leaking
Anyone else just Absolutley LOVE co sleeping. When I tell someone I’m co sleeping I always feel like they are judging me or it is the wrong thing to do. This is my second and I promised myself I wouldn’t co sleep this time (co slept with first till he was 2) But I just can’t believe how much I love it!! Going to s...
Baby has no issues eating or anything but now that teeth are coming in is this normal looking or a top lip tie? I’m in between insurances until Jan 1. If it is a tie can it wait or will it cause crooked teeth and other problems? More pics in comments.
That's it, I've had it. I'm so done with bedtimes and the fight that comes with putting my little one to bed I just can't keep doing this. She's nearly 20m old and the bedtime routine has never changed, except she doesn't understand it's bedtime. There's a fight every night and tonight I've hit rock bottom I just do...