Community Posts, Tips & Support on Labor & Birth

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Labor & Birth.


I’m overdue and i feel so disconnected to my baby. My body is failing to do what it’s supposed to and now i’m terrified it’s going to end up in an emergency C section which is my biggest fear. My baby is measuring 97% percentile. I’m spending my days just crying and depressed. Dreading baby being here because of h...


C section

How long did everyone wait before getting pregnant after c section? We are right at a year and I feel I’m ready to try again but not sure if I need to give my body more time to heal.


If you went into labor naturally/water broke, what time of day did it start?

It seems like most people go into labor at night, I’m just curious what percentages


How long did it take to get your baby birth certificate in the mail?

Hello mamas! I currently live in Philadelphia and I had my baby a little over a month ago. I was told in the hospital that it would probably take a month to get his birth certificate. His social arrived but I’m starting to get worried 😅


For those who had a vbac how many weeks+days were you when you went into labour?

Currently 32 weeks and desperate for a vbac but they want to induce at 37/8 weeks and I don’t think I’ll go into labour before then💔


VBAC possibility

Did anyone get pregnant around 6 months after C section with their second baby and did you have a VBAC or know anyone to did? Looking for some hope here as I really went through it and hope I can deliver vaginally… anonymous as I don’t wanna be judged… even doctor said “that was fast” 🫣


C-section and going to the toilet

I had a C-section on the 25th and still haven’t gone for poo since! Has anyone else had the same? They didn’t prescribe me laxatives so will try and get some from the pharmacy tomorrow? 🤷🏼‍♀️


Induction at 39 weeks

Can anyone share their stories about being induced for their first pregnancy at 39 weeks and their experience. New studies have come out saying the placenta starts aging at 39 weeks so it’s the optimal time to get induced for better health in mother and child


Sex To Induce Labor?

The title says it all... Does it actually work? Has it worked for any of y'all? I am due 3/3 and my husband and I have been having sex what seems like every day for the past two weeks. I am over it and it isn't even that enjoyable or fun anymore. I'll get contractions after I finish and they just stop. I am starti...


C-section scar

I’m 5 weeks post c-section on Sunday, how are we all shaving around the scar 😂 I’m so scared that I’m going to catch it!


Tilted Cervix

Just seeing if anyone has had this. I got examined a week ago and it’s been playing on my mind… I have a tilted cervix and the only way the dr could see my cervix properly was with making a fist and placing it under my back. My question is did you give birth naturally or did you end up having a c-section I’m just...



I’m seeing a consultant about being induced. Can I have some positive induction stories please 💖


Post c section check

Does anyone know if a 6 week post csection doctors check up is offered in Northern Ireland


Had my c-section!

I had my first (and last) c-section yesterday, what a great experience. I was extremely nervous and scared about it. The worse part was my nerves tbh. Everyone talked to me the anesthesiologist never left the room and my partner was there the entire time. (There was a mirror like effect in the light so I got some sc...


Late elective C section

I am almost 36 weeks and today I received my date for my elective C section. It's 40+6 which feels very late to me. I was expecting it to be 39+?. I'm terrified that I'm going to go into labour early and have to wait around for an emergency C section or progress too far along to have one at all (they've warned about...


Advice on contractions/labour

My waters went this morning (10 hours ago) and have continued to come out since then, I’m having pains in my low back/stomach with tightenings but they’re definitely manageable for me even though they seem to be somewhat consistent. I’m timing as much as I can but will I genuinely know when it’s time to go to the ho...


Is anyone else dealing with constant Braxton hicks???

Like I’ve thought maybe this is the start of labor so many times cuz I’m dealing with them almost 24/7 now lol.. like had them every single night the last week and woke up this morning and I’m still experiencing them but they don’t feel like they’re coming and going in a rhythm like actual labor so idk 😅 also feel…


second c section booked next week

i had my daughter via emergency c section 2 years ago and chose an elective c section for my second. I had a bit of a traumatic birth with my first and looking for some comfort if you had an elective c section and made it to the date, can you explain how it went?


ECV scheduled for 3/4

Anyone gotten an ECV? What was ur experience? Did it work, did you go into labor after?


Vaginal or c section?

I’m a first time mum to be and had a long journey to get here. I am considering asking for a c section - the thought of complications with vaginal makes me so anxious. Any advice on vaginal vs. C section? Is the c section recovery as bad as they say?


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