Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Labor & Birth.
My baby was born two weeks over her due date weighing 9.7lbs. She didn’t lose any weight after birth then got weighed at 4 weeks and is now a massive 12lbs. Midwife has told me this is ok however this is the same person who told me my baby was a regular size throughout my pregnancy but turned out to be a 95th percen...
Hi all, 28 weeks pregnant and just wondering when should I pack the hospital bag? X
Alright mamas I’m going in for an overnight induction tomorrow. I had my hospital bag packed for going into spontaneous labor, is there anything I need to/should add to my bag since it’s an induction now?
Those who have had a section or know about the healing process, I had a section on 10/2 and one side looks like a scar with some small scabs but the other side is bright pink/ red. It’s been like this for about a week.. would I need to do anything about this?
I’ll be in SD for my babymoon at 34 weeks and want to be prepared just in case. I don’t have any risk factors for preterm labor and my midwife said I’m fine to travel. I’m planning for an unmedicated birth, however, I assume if I do go into labor at 34 weeks I’ll need some sort of medical intervention. Any hospital ...
I’m 28 weeks and really considering a c-section. I’ve had blood pressure problems since 16 weeks and currently on aspirin which has helped keep it steady this along side general anxiety has made me really anxious for a vaginal birth. Is it too late to be mentioning an elective c-section to my midwife? Unsure how thi...
I’ll be 6 weeks post c section on Wednesday, scar seems to have healed well but on the left had side above it’s still quite swollen and puffy and can still feel abit off pain there but the other side is fine. Is this normal?
Being induced tomorrow morning and I’m feeling so nervous! Just need to hear some positivity around it, as only ever hear negative stories.
I started having pretty consistent Braxton Hicks contractions a few days ago. They are only slightly uncomfortable and I feel my whole uterus tightening in the front (it is rock hard if you touch it). I have them throughout the day and have had up to 7 in an hour. Has this happened to anyone else? Does this mean I’m...
Hi ladies, I have had to change my knickers twice within the last 2 hours as it keeps getting wet. I’m unsure if it amniotic fluid or just increased wet discharge? Any advice?
As a hypochondriac I need someone to reassure me that all these things post c section are normal😂 -Scar stinging more so on one side - lower back pain - bruised feeling near scar when moving My scar is looking completely fine it just stings!
I’m about to start listing what I need in my hospital bag but I don’t want to either overpack or underpack😩 What has everyone got for theirs?
Don’t feel any signs of labor no mucus plug has fallen out I barley have Braxton hicks I just feel bloated and dehydrated a lot doctor said I was measuring 4 weeks ahead but still not even the slightest sign
Will be 6 weeks post partum on Wednesday, I bleed for 3 weeks after then stopped now I’ve started bleeding again. It’s very heavy and bright red, is this my first period or bleeding due to c-section?🤷🏼♀️
Hi hi, We are going away on holiday soon and I have been started on progesterone pessary twice daily. I have been trying to lay down for a long as possible after inserting these to allow the pessary to be absorbed as much as possible, but I still often find there’s a lot of chalky discharge still. Now that we are...
How many nappies for babies and maternity pads for me should I pack? Im having to stay in for 24hours due to having GD. Also I think it's too tight to pack in a small suitcase but not enough for a large suitcase . Any tips on best way to pack will be much appreciated...thank you 1st time momma here
Anyone feel like their Braxton hicks last longer than “a few minutes”? My belly feels hard for ages some times and makes kicks so muted!
Last night i saw a jelly like thick substance when i wiped it didnt feel or look like discharge. This is my second baby and wanted to prepare mentally if that means i will be going into labour soon? Im 39 weeks today. Im curious about others experiences with this from when did you loose your mucus plug did you go ...
When it was decided you'd be having a c section (I'm predicting and hoping its not classed as an emergency, just due to him being so big) how quick did you get in? Was it the same week/weeks? Im 38 weeks on Wednesday, was meant to have a growth scan that day but they've brought it forward to tomorrow due to how big...
C section mamas, how we feeling? Had my section on Friday and wow the pain 😳 it’s okay when I’m chilling but to stand up and sit down and get off the bed it hurts a lot! Also finding myself holding my belly when walking! Please tell me it gets better soon 😩