Community Posts, Tips & Support on Labor & Birth

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Labor & Birth.

C Section Date

Hi!! So I’m having an elective c section due to a scare regarding my health which I don’t really wanna get into but I finally found out my date for the c section!! My little girl will be out on march 13th a week before her due date. I’m super excited and happy that she’ll be here in 16 days but I was wondering does ...


Short crvix at 28weeks

Hi, I am a FTM 28 weeks and just found out that my cervix is 7mm long. I have been immediately admitted to the hospital, getting steroids, an arabin pessary and progesterone. They mention I should stay at the hospital indefinitely due to the risk of preterm labour at any moment. While I want for the baby to develop...


Period post c section?

Is it possible to get period 4 weeks after c section?? I’ve been bleeding on and off ever since the section. But past couple of days it has got slightly worse and I have period cramps. Just wondered if this could be my period?


Elected C or not?!

I have to make a decision by tomorrow if I have an elected c section or not. I’ve had hip issues in the past and that’s why I was referred to the consultant a few weeks ago. I keep changing my mind on what to do! Just wondering if anyone else has struggled to make a decision and what other people opinions are? I kno...



Did you baby proof your home .



How soon after a c section did y’all have another baby?


Labour Times.

Hello all! Just trying to mentally prepare myself as I feel worried about horror stories I’m getting due to me being plus size with a high BMI. How long were your labours and did you have to be induced or was it natural? Thanks!


Hospital bag as a first time mumma

Hi ladies, I’m starting to get my list together for my hospital bag… I’ve seen that it’s a good idea to take stool softeners with, but have no idea which is best 🤦🏼‍♀️any recommendations? Also any tips on essentials to pack would be so appreciated ❤️



Hey everyone! I’m due May 1st and I just had a phone call today discussing my birth preferences in which I specified I really want a VBAC. Because of the risk of the scar rupturing from past cesarean, the said they would want to book me in for an induction before 41 weeks if I didn’t go into labour naturally before ...


Elective C Section

Hey ladies. I am 28 weeks currently with my first one. I am so anxious about not knowing the due date if I have a natural birth and also all the what ifs. I spoke to my midwife today who has booked me in a meeting with the consultant who is going to go through all the probs and cons with me. Also she was explaining ...


Settling in nursery

We’re you allowed to stay in the room when your baby had their first settling in session (1hour long)?


Recommended induction method

Which of these have you experienced a good induction and which do you recommend ?


Preventatitve cerclage UK

Going in for my cervical stitch tomorrow at 13 weeks due to an incompetent cervix which led me to loss my last baby at 22 weeks. Any tips or advice? Really nervous and scared! Going to ask to go under general


Colestroum Harvesting

Did this bring on labour for anyone?!



Having a baby at 75 percential mean im going to have a big baby?? Currently 32weeks+5days


Elective C Section at Sunderland

Has anyone had an elective section at Sunderland recently? I’m 38 weeks now and still don’t have my date even though it should be next week, is this normal practice at Sunderland? I had my last baby at Gateshead and got to pick my date at 34 weeks.


How long has everyone got left?

I'm hopefully having a c section in 4 weeks and 4 days 😵‍💫🫠💓


Hospital bag

What am I packing in my hospital bag? What size clothes/ how many outfits ect? It’s been 2 years since the last time and I have no idea! Thanks in advance xx


2nd baby - are these lines okay

A planned 2nd baby although so shocked as was not expecting it to happen straight away! Tested positive on our girls 1st birthday 🩷 Do these lines look okay? Anyone else going for 2 under 2 and got advise on best double buggy?


C - section & driving

Does anyone know if you’re not insured if you start driving before the 6 wks? I would ask my insurance company but I can’t find who I’m insured with 🤦🏻‍♀️ I had a c section 2 wks ago and have been really lucky with recovery it’s getting difficult to find people to help drop my daughter off to all her classes and…


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