Community Posts, Tips & Support on Labor & Birth

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Labor & Birth.


Does anyone else have a plan if they don’t go into labor naturally? 39+1 today and I’m going to tell my OB tomorrow that if I haven’t gone into labor by 41 weeks, then I’d like to be induced. I also had my growth scan super early at 31 weeks and I hate not having an estimate of how big baby is at this point.


George Elliot

Does anyone if your partner is allowed to stay with at you George Elliot hospital ? When having your baby thanks


Small baby

Did anyone have a small baby at more or less term and can spread some positivity please. Baby is measuring really small, they don’t seem too concerned but I’m 37 weeks tomorrow so just looking for reassurance about small healthy babies. Thanks


Elective section

For those that had an elective section how long were you in for afterwards?



I have my 36 week appointment tomorrow and my dr is going to do a cervix exam. Did anyone else have this done at 36 weeks? If so were you dilated yet??


Induction at 39 weeks

Hello ladies! When I spoke to my doctor on Friday, she said we’re going to start talking about induction at my tomorrow appointment. I have a Bilobed placenta and they fear a risk of tearing if I go to or past 40. I am curious what everyone’s experiences were with being induced. I do plan to have the epidural. Bu...



I was told my induction date is on the 10th of March and I was just wondering if there’s any moms that went the unmediated route except obviously the Pitocin? I’m tiny and my daughter is small but I’ve heard horror stories about Pitocin can any share any tips, tricks and advice on how to get through those contractio...


Labour experiences

I am due this week and just wondered what people experienced as an early sign of labour? I have tightening of my tummy what I can only describe as severe period pains / the urge to go to the toilet that comes and goes (probably every half hour or so) as of yesterday and increased discharge. Really thinking this must...


Anyone had a hernia operation?

I’m scared I won’t wake up from anaesthetic


C-Section worries

Hi guys, I am booked in for my section next week and I’m absolutely terrified! I’ve never had surgery or been in a hospital for myself so this feels massive. Please could some of you put my mind at ease with my following worries: 1. How bad does a cannula hurt? 2. Is your partner with you when you have the spinal o...


Getting induced!

39+1 I'm getting induced tomorrow, with a balloon. It's my first time getting induced, never did with my first ( was an emergency Cesarean) so not too sure what to expect. Is anyone going through the same or has done already?


Hospital experiences

I’ve just moved to Ossett and I need to decide what hospital I want to have my baby in, can anyone tell me about their experiences with the local hospitals? LGI, st James etc? Ive heard mainly good things but there’s a recent article which is worrying me a little bit about baby mortality x



I had an emergency c-section a week ago so am feeling slightly unprepared in understanding the recovery process. Everything I read online says “don’t over do it” but I feel like this guidance is quite vague. How am I meant to know if I’ve over done it until it’s too late and got an infection or something? I’m fine ...


Got induced last night!

Got induced last night and gave birth to a perfectly healthy baby boy 🧸🩵 First boy after having two girls, so this will be exciting!!


Dates for natural labor induction!

Anyone else eat dates to induce labor naturally? 38 w 5 d currently and hoping he comes in the next week or so 🥲


Mucus Plug

How long after you guys lost your mucus plus did labor begin ? Edit: I’m also 40 weeks & feel like I been experiencing mini contractions throughout the day that are 10 mins apart but only last a min


Labour dystopia and baby #2?

Has anyone here experienced obstructed labour due to baby’s weird positioning and was rushed into an emergency c section? And are you having your second now with the undying fear that you’ll go through the same thing? What can we do to make it all easier and just have a good VBAC? Please share tips and tricks or ...



I just found out I'm pregnant with our second. What tips does everyone have to have a successful VBAC. I was determined to have an uneducated birth with my first, but unfortunately, that didn't eventuate because of an emergency cesarean Help a mummy out with any tips, tricks or recommendations 🙏❤️ I might add, I…



I need help understanding something important. Why would I need to be dilated if I'm having a C-section? My son hasn't moved much since Saturday and when I went into triage, they told me when they checked my cervix, and told me they could feel my baby's head but can't tell if I'm dilating. So what has dilating got t...


Positive Birth Stories

Hi girls 🖤 I am due my first baby in early October and am beginning a hypnobirthing course. Part of it is surrounding yourself with positive birth story’s. If you want to, please comment below your positive birth story 🩷 thank you so much!


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